I go back and forth about publicizing this blog. Some part of me wants readership, and another part of me absolutely does not want. I know a few people find their way here on occasion, those are just the odds of the interwebz, but I don’t even bother looking at the stats for the site anymore. I guess I just don’t care that much who reads this stuff. It always has been meant for me to just write, and get stuff out of me, and onto paper…er… screen. heh..
When I do write — which isn’t often — it’s rather personal, or I’m venting my spleen about something. There’s not really a theme. There’s not one subject or angle or point of view that my blog has, which is what’s required to have a successful blog, IMO. Those are always the best blogs, the ones that are about *something*. This one is just my random thoughts, and everyone has that shit, so it’s not particularly moving or interesting. It’s just a lot of words on the screen, which is really the reason I don’t promote it… I think it’s bloody boring to anyone else, but not to me.
Lately I’ve been trying to figure out if I had a focus for the blog, what would it be? I can’t come up with one… not yet anyway. Goodness knows there are enough food blogs out there, enough blogs-about-cats too… I’m always thinking if I write more often it would be good… but then I don’t do it… too much going on
I get home at the end of the day, and the last thing I want to do is write, or code, or even concern myself with code. It occurs to me that I have been building websites for 18 years. 18. years. So much has changed. And so much remains the same. I do really like the new theme though. rilly rilly! It’s the first theme I’ve had (since I edited my own) that I don’t feel the need to edit or tweak in any way. It just is. Just like my blog… it just is…